Camp 3 News

Ritual of the Calling of an Engineer 2024

On 24 March 2024 over 800 engineers took the Obligation in Kingston at the Iron Ring Camp 3 Ritual of the Calling of an Engineer. This was the first year that the Camp 3 ceremonies were fully open to family and friends of the newly-obligated Engineers, and we were delighted to have such a large number of them present.

Next year’s ceremony

The next Camp 3 Ritual of the Calling of an Engineer will be held on Sunday, 23 March 2025, and will mark the 100th anniversary of the first Ritual. All students of Queen’s University and the Royal Military College of Canada who expect to complete an undergraduate degree in Engineering in 2025 will be invited to participate. Registration will open in January 2025.

Other Engineers who meet the Senior Candidate criteria may also participate in the Ritual. Applications to participate as a Senior Candidate will open in November of 2024.