Questions about the ceremony
Where do I go? Assemble in the Queen’s Athletic and Recreation Centre (ARC) at 284 Earl St, Kingston, at least forty-five minutes prior to your ceremony. In the ARC you will be directed to a room specific to your academic discipline or Senior Candidate status.
How long is the ceremony? About an hour.
What guests can I bring? You may bring a maximum of three guests who are not previously Obligated Engineers to the ceremony. (Depending on demand, there may be space for additional guests.) Guests require tickets, which are free. You may also bring any number of guests who are previously Obligated Engineers; these guests do not require tickets provided they are wearing their Iron Ring. Due to space limitations, we request that engineers who receive their rings in the 11:30 ceremony not attend the 2:30 ceremony.
How do I get guest tickets? After the close of registration we will validate all registrants. Once that is complete (late February or early March), each confirmed candidate will receive an EventBrite link entitling them to three tickets. Please take only the tickets you need. If you require additional tickets, contact, or as appropriate, after 12 March. Additional tickets will be provided on an as-available basis.
When do guests need to arrive? Guests should arrive at the ARC at least thirty minutes prior to the ceremony.
What happens before the ceremony? You will be issued with an envelope containing your Obligation Certificate and ring. Do not put the ring on. You will do this as part of the ceremony. Shortly before the ceremony you will be directed to the floor of the ARC, where you will stand on either side of a chain that will be laid out on the floor.
Can I leave once I have my ring? No. The ring is a symbol of having taken the Obligation. You must complete the Obligation Ceremony in order to have the right to wear the ring.
What if I want to stand near a friend who is in a different academic discipline? E.g., so we can easily both receive our ring from the same Obligated Engineer? Once you have received your ring you may join your friend in their discipline room, so that you go into ceremony together. If you intend to do this, please let us know in advance. Contact,, or as appropriate.
What if I’m assigned to the first ceremony but need to attend the second ceremony (or vice versa)? We can arrange this, provided you have a good reason for your request. This could be, e.g., because there’s a guest coming to ring you who is also ringing a person at the other ceremony, and they only want to attend one ceremony. Send your request by email to You will need to go to the Warden’s room prior to the ceremony to pick up your ring and obligation certificate.
Who puts the ring on my finger? Any one of the Obligated Engineers in attendance may put the ring on your finger. If you have someone specific attending to ring you and are approached by someone else, simply advise them of that fact.
What am I expected to wear? Please wear formal business attire.
Is the ceremony bilingual? The morning Ceremony will be English-only. The afternoon Ceremony will be in English with a bilingual Obligation, and poems in both English and French.
Where do I wear my ring? On the little finger of your working (writing) hand.
What if my ring is the wrong size? If your ring doesn’t fit, we will be doing exchanges as follows:
- Senior candidates (only): immediately following the Ceremony, in the staging area on the 1st floor.
- Queen’s students: Monday, 24 March, 6–7pm, Nicol Hall room 227.
- RMC students: Wednesday, 26 March, noon–1pm, Sawyer room 2205.
If you do not exchange your ring at one of these times, you can purchase a replacement.
What if I lose my ring? You can purchase a replacement ring.
What happens if the Camp determines I’m not eligible to take the Obligation after registering? You will receive a full refund on your credit card.